Friday 31 December 2010

Racing Today - New Year's Eve 2010

Firstly, i'd like to take the time out to thank those who have read and retweeted blog links to the Vic Page this year. It's been much appreciated and the target is to double readers in 2011.

Secondly, I would like to wish everyone reading this a Happy New Year for 2011. Let's hope it goes better than 2010, although the likes of Tony McCoy won't agree.

In the opener (12.10) Nigel Twiston Davies runs MAXEDLAS who was runner up twice in France and looks to have a big opportunity to get off the mark here.  

In the second division of the maiden hurdle (12.40) while Herdsman will be well liked, TORNEDO BOB ran into one that was just too good in Kid Cassidy at Newbury first time out and can put that experience to good use. 

On paper, the Beginners' Chase (1.10) could be a match between Silent Cliche, who's good enough to win this if all goes well but I've got a feeling that GLENWOOD KNIGHT is the better horse and will be better suited by the trip. 

16/1 is a huge price about PALM READER who was very much in touch when falling on his comeback and he should strip fitter for that, so he rates each/way value in the 2.10.

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